Ann Brand


Introducing Ann Brand, a certified mindfulness teacher with a profound commitment to enriching lives through mindfulness practices. Ann obtained her certification through The Mindfulness Training Institute (MTI) and the International Mindfulness Teachers Association (IMTA), showcasing her dedication to delivering high-quality mindfulness education.

As an Associate Lecturer in the College of Education, Hospitality, Health, and Human Sciences at The University of Wisconsin-Stout, Ann brings her expertise to the academic realm, fostering mindfulness in the next generation of leaders. Additionally, she serves as the Program Specialist for Mindfulness Training for Arts Integration Menomonie (AIM), contributing to the integration of mindfulness practices into various aspects of education and the community.

Ann holds a doctorate in psychology from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, with a specialization in child development and families. Her academic background adds depth to her mindfulness teachings, allowing her to blend theory with practical applications for a comprehensive understanding of the benefits of mindfulness.

What sets Ann apart is not just her impressive credentials but also her sincere belief in the transformative power of mindfulness. Through her teachings, Ann goes beyond the traditional scope of mindfulness, aiming to not only enhance mental well-being but also to guide individuals toward a better life. Her approach is rooted in the belief that mindfulness is a gateway to personal growth, improved relationships, and overall life satisfaction.

Join Ann on a journey toward a more mindful and fulfilling life. Through her mindful teaching techniques, you'll not only learn to be present in the moment but also uncover practical ways to integrate mindfulness into your daily life. Ann Brand is not just a mindfulness teacher; she is a catalyst for positive change, helping individuals cultivate a richer, more meaningful life through the transformative power of mindfulness.


Astreia Bauer


Anne Gustin