Deepali Roth

Step into the transformative space at The Yoga Rooms and experience the magical presence of a dedicated yoga instructor and life/wellness coach, Deepali. As a student, you'll feel not just guided but truly loved and nurtured under her care. Her teaching is more than a practice; it's a journey of open-hearted living. You will love how she weaves her intentional poems and comforting hands on assists into your yoga journey.

Picture yourself floating gracefully on the mat, embraced by the serenity Deepali creates. The joy she finds in sharing life's profound blessings extends to enveloping her students in a supportive, nurturing atmosphere. It's a journey to balance the mind, echoing the wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita. It's not about perfect poses but the quality cultivated within.


Cody Cooper


Erin Heitkamp